Ice cream moulds

Donating Items to The Museum

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We are interested in acquiring items which are of special significance to Ruddington’s history where there is a prospect of them going on display in the museum. As you will see, we have a diverse array of items displaying aspects of late Victorian and early Edwardian Ruddington life. We would welcome any suitable donations that would bring extra interest to our collection!

There are a few things to bear in mind before you decide whether you should donate your items. As absurd as it may sound, we must stress that we cannot accept human remains. We are also extremely reluctant to accept biological specimens, except in very rare circumstances.
It is also very important that you are the owner of the item you wish to transfer to the museum. A form must be signed confirming that it belongs to you and that you are transferring it. Finally, do think carefully before donating because once it is transferred to our collection, it can no longer be returned to you legally if you change your mind. We only accept permanent donations, and we therefore do not take items on loan or purchase them.

Finally, because we do get the occasional enquiry, we should also mention that we do not offer valuations or identification of items.
Any potential donations are subject to acceptance by the museums governing body. You will receive a copy of an entry form when you deposit an item, but no item is accepted into our collection until it receives this approval. In the event any item is not accepted, it will be returned to you or sent on somewhere appropriate if you would prefer.

We advise you to contact us either by email or by telephone before bringing in any items as a potential donation to the museum. But if you think you may have an item that would be suitable for our collection, we would love to hear from you!

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